Elan is dedicated to help you achieve your health and wellness goals, Elan therefore forges long-lasting partnerships with health care practitioners across disciplines and deliver nutritional solutions that work. Elan supplies a wide range of nutritional supplements worldwide that enable you to pursue a lean and healthy lifestyle.

Elan will launch the following products in the near future: Prohair tablets and Magnesium vital tablets!

The Prohair tablets of Elan are a nutritional supplement for maintaining shiny and strong hair, healthy skin and nails! Business, stressful situations, pregnancy and childbirth, transition for woman, use of medication or seasonal changes can influence healthy hair growth. The anesthetic and shock reaction of the body that is accompanied by a major operation, such as a weight loss or metabolic/bariatric operation, can also lead to (acute) hair loss. Only healthy hair roots produce a strong and full bunch of hair. The hair root can use extra nutrition in many situations to support the natural growth process. From this perspective, the Prohair tablets have been developed by Elan in close collaboration with various medical specialists and on the basis of the most recent scientific insights.

When your skin feels good, you will also feel better. However, a number of factors that we are exposed to every day such as pollution, lifestyle and diet have an effect on the skin in various ways. The formula of the Prohair tablets offers you extra protection to resist these factors and to keep your skin healthy!

In the Magnesium vital tablets of Elan contain magnesium, vitamin B12 and zinc. The Magnesium vital tablets have been developed by Elan in close collaboration with various medical specialists and on the basis of the most recent scientific insights.

Stay tuned for more new exciting product launches of Elan, Elan has a full and impressive strategic pipeline with a lof of great products to be launched in 2019-2020!